

August 26, 2022

A film by Fabien Gorgeart with Mélanie Thierry, Lyes Salem, Félix Moati, Gabriel Pavie

Simon, a 6-year-old boy currently placed by social services, is about to meet his biological father, a widower who wants the custody back. This event causes an earthquake in the life of the adoptive mother.



June 14, 2024

A film by Ursula Meier with Stéphanie Blanchoud, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Elli Spagnolo

After a violent argument with her mother, Margaret, 35 years old and with a long history of inflicting and suffering from violence, is subject to a strict restraining order before her trial: for 3 months she is forbidden from contacting her mother, and is no longer allowed within 100 meters of the family home. But this separation only exacerbates her desire to be closer to her family and so she returns every day to this invisible and impassable frontier.



May 31, 2024

A film by Carmen Jaquier with Lilith Grasmug, Noah Watzlawick, Benjamin Python

Summer 1900, in a valley in southern Switzerland. Elisabeth is seventeen years old and about to take her vows when the sudden death of her older sister forces her to leave the convent and return to the family farm she had left five years earlier. But Elisabeth is no longer a child. Stifled by the suffocating and strict rules of the village and obsessed by the mysteries surrounding her sister's disappearance, she will fight for her right to experiment.



June 4, 2021

A film by Sophie Dupuis with Théodore Pellerin, Joakim Robillard, James Hyndman, Guillaume Cyr, Catherine Trudeau

Maxime is a miner with a troubled past. After an explosion at his mine, Maxime attempts to find redemption by saving his fellow miners.



December 9, 2022

A film by Christophe Honoré with Juliette Binoche, Paul Kircher, Vincent Lacoste

Lucas is drifting blithely through his last year of boarding school and looking forward to life as an attractive, out young man in Paris. His older brother, Quentin, already lives there; his parents will take care of everything. It’ll be nice. And then, one day, a sudden tragedy strips away everything Lucas took for granted, leaving him filled with anger and despair, his future in shambles. Quentin is lost in his own pain. Their mother, Isabelle, doesn’t know how to reach out to the young man Lucas is becoming. And so he is left to find his way alone, seeking comfort in a Paris that is still recovering from the pandemic.
