Fantasy drama


14 juillet 2023

A film by Thomas Salvador with Thomas Salvador, Louise Bourgoin, Martine Chevalier, Laurent Poitrenaux

Pierre, a Parisian engineer, goes up in the Alps for his work. Irresistibly attracted by what surrounds him, he camps out alone high in the mountains and leaves behind his everyday life. Up there he meets Léa, a chef of an alpine restaurant, while mysterious glows glitter in the deep mountains…

Fantasy drama 


12 mars 2021

A film by Philippe Lacôte with Koné Bakary, Steve Tientcheu, Issaka Sawadogo

A young man is sent to “La Maca,” a prison in the middle of the Ivorian forest ruled by its inmates. As tradiXon goes with the rising of the red moon, he is designated by the Boss to be the new “Roman” and must tell a story to the other pris- oners. Learning what fate awaits him, he begins to narrate the mysXcal life of the legendary outlaw named “Zama King” and has no choice but to make his story last unXl dawn.

Fantasy drama 


13 juillet 2023

A film by François Descraques with Arnaud Ducret, Florent Dorin, Enya Baroux

2555 AD. Civilization as we know it has collapsed from an ecological disaster. The few remaining humans survive in the underworld. ‘The Visitor’ travels back in time to find young Alice, whose father is building a nuclear power plant, responsible for the upcoming catastrophe. For the Visitor, her father has to die: it is the only way to prevent this inevitable apocalypse and to save the world. But time is running out! Led by the ruthless Constance, the ‘Time Brigade’, a Police force from the Future, is hunting them down to prevent any temporal change. Alice is faced with an impossible choice: saving her father or saving the world?

Fantasy drama